The Kingdom of God needs money to advance. But first, we need to understand the history of how the church mainly started on the continent of Africa. The missionaries had a mandate to twist The Truth for their advantage in order for them to facilitate colonization. The main message was…
The best investment we can make is in friendships and relationships; that’s why we need to understand that, “show me your friends and I will show you who you really are”, or the one who misses wealth marries the wrong person [marries the wrong person misses wealth]. Mainly choose friends…
If you don’t allow God’s change with a cost, then eventually you will allow God’s change at a cost. Change will never feel exciting at first until you fully embrace it. Then, at last, change will always feel elevating. Nothing will change until you will it, because you don’t just…
This life is a life of purpose; it is not a life to fulfill our own ambition. It is a life which God has established: there is a clear vision and we should settle in that vision. It is not going to be easy; there will be challenges, but those…