We are from the same team of God as children of God. Why can’t we collaborate with each other rather than trying to unhealthily compete with each other and compare ourselves with others? We should inspire each other and should not get intimidated by someone else’s success; we can learn…
God is not progressive; He is a God of Potential. Potential is the ability to do something that is already deposited in you, but you haven’t gotten the ability to tap into it. When we look at ourselves as His Children, we are His Potential. So, when God says, 8…
The complexity of our mind is produced by our unstable emotions. Our mood isn’t supposed to control us, but we are supposed to control our mood. The enemy uses our emotions to frustrate, to disappoint, and to deceive. 10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and…
Getting offended is normal, but reacting to that offense is abnormal. Your reaction to someone’s words and/or actions is an indication of what is inside of you, not what happened outside of yourself. Whoever angers you, then he/she has control over you. 11 Good sense and discretion make a man…
A true apology is done through a consistent demonstration of improvements. You don’t think yourself out of something wrong, and you don’t talk yourself out of something wrong; you only walk yourself out of something wrong by changing your mind, speech, and deeds. I respect when someone apologizes privately, yet…
Anxiety is fear of what hasn’t happened. There are two types of anxiety. One is destructive anxiety, which is when you choose to live in your imagination and fail to live your current reality. The other is constructive anxiety, which is when you don’t live or spend carelessly because you…