We are from the same team of God as children of God. Why can’t we collaborate with each other rather than trying to unhealthily compete with each other and compare ourselves with others? We should inspire each other and should not get intimidated by someone else’s success; we can learn…
God is not progressive; He is a God of Potential. Potential is the ability to do something that is already deposited in you, but you haven’t gotten the ability to tap into it. When we look at ourselves as His Children, we are His Potential. So, when God says, 8…
The war which has been happening in your life is an identity crisis as you progress in the knowledge of God. You want to pull the knowledge of God which you had 5 years ago and establish it in the current you. That’s why you find yourself holding onto prophecies…
A true apology is done through a consistent demonstration of improvements. You don’t think yourself out of something wrong, and you don’t talk yourself out of something wrong; you only walk yourself out of something wrong by changing your mind, speech, and deeds. I respect when someone apologizes privately, yet…
Success is so related to your ability to prioritize The Word of God in your life. The Bible says, 8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do…
The greatest gift God gave us besides Salvation is the gift of time here on earth. In a world where the systems are created to control the narrative of your time, the mistake you can make is to think that you have more time to do what you should do,…