The best investment we can make is in friendships and relationships. That’s why we need to understand that, “Show me your friends and I will show you who you really are”, or the one who marries the wrong person misses wealth (Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33).
33“He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise,
But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm.“Proverbs 13 : 20
20“Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals.“
1 Corinthians 15 : 33
Any relationship that is not tested with time won’t last for long because a person’s true nature is exposed when they think that they have many options; it is where you know the worst and best versions in a person genuinely. We are in times where people don’t marry vision and character, but people marry or get married to whoever is ready, not who is right. And at the end, we start blaming God Who wasn’t consulted before, to come and fix the mess we usually create because of lack of vision and character. Vision is not the sight of your physical eyes; it is the sight of your heart which is your spiritual eyes. Character means what you say is what you do, and what you promise, you try your best to fulfill. Ask yourself this: If you were to choose yourself, would you marry you? Marriage is getting so hard because being hopeful doesn’t mean being irrational; we must have the balance between the person God sees and how we become that person in our daily lives.
Otherwise, you can think that everyone who goes to church is marriage material, until you realize that even witches go to church. A person who is marriage material is one who has become the church outside the walls of the assembly of saints, because he or she understands the divine mandate and purpose. Don’t expect to end up with someone special when you are in denial of the person you are now. What makes you so special to get someone who is so special? Do you value rooms of improvements, or do you think that you have already occupied every single room? God is first interested in the best version of you for Himself, and then He can open your eyes to see someone who is the best version of themselves for God and boom, the divine assignment for marriage is activated. There are two tests in order to know if that woman is wife material, and if that man is a leader:
- Ask your woman, “What can we do with 1 billion?”, and see her financial quotient. A woman who understands her financial needs and acts upon them before she emotionally expresses what she wants with unreasonable expectations, is wife material.
- Ask your man to pray for you and you will see his spiritual quotient. A man who is husband material and a leader understands his divine assignment and acts upon it every day without losing focus, leads you to find God within you without losing who God created you to be for Himself, and doesn’t lead you with manipulation, but he leads by example.
Remember this, love is not enough to make vows, but purpose is enough to love each other forever through it all.