Kingdom business is the only business which doesn’t know losses; it only knows profits. Never be ashamed of being an ambassador of God’s Kingdom first; some people may not find it professional for you to say that you do business & make money for God’s Glory. If someone doesn’t want to do business with you because you speak about God more, then let them keep their business & know that your first investor is God, not people. A billionaire will never seek billionaire ideas from a millionaire, so don’t just know your value, but understand your worth.

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“ If you cannot think outside the box & manifest excellence, then networking with the greats will just be called prestige; it will not manifest any prosperity until you unlock your divine potential by honouring your divine gifts through serving others.”

Calling & Career

Your calling is what you are made for, while your career is what you are paid for your calling is your living mode, & that’s where making a living is while in most cases, your career is what you studied for at school.

Many of you are suffering because you haven’t prioritized your divine calling first; if you need & want to see results in your area of calling, you need to serve God as desperately as you need to breathe in order to live. Sometimes they intertwine, other times they don’t, but it will just be for a while because at the end, they will be similar to each other. Not every problem you are facing needs deliverance, sometimes what you really need is discipline & determination. And remember that every need you have, is because you haven’t embraced your calling.

Couples counselling isn’t just helpful when things are falling apart. It can be helpful at many other times as well. Sometimes it is helpful when you are taking a new step forward (or backwards) such as moving in together, getting married, having children. Or even when you first start dating someone. 

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to the creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, etc.

Intellectual property rights grant the owner of the work exclusive rights to exploit and benefit from his or her creation. The rights are also meant to protect the owner’s ideas from theft and offer copyright.

There are various types of intellectual property and they are:

Network vs. Net worth

Your network is your net worth. Whom you associate yourself will determines whether you are of value or not. You have to be an asset to your network, not a liability.

If you cannot think outside the box & manifest excellence, then networking with the greats will just be called prestige; it will not manifest any prosperity until you unlock your divine potential by honouring your divine gifts through serving others. Then, networking will undeniably propel you to heights which would have been hard to achieve on your own. So, you are not broke, you are just hanging out with the wrong circle. Become valuable by solving problems & change your surroundings by being selective of your associations. This is not magic, but these are spiritual & natural laws you have to obey & follow.

Couples counselling isn’t just helpful when things are falling apart. It can be helpful at many other times as well. Sometimes it is helpful when you are taking a new step forward (or backwards) such as moving in together, getting married, having children. Or even when you first start dating someone. 

Be An Asset & not A Liability

God created us to work, which means for a divine purpose. Problem solvers are assets and investments while problem finders are liabilities and losses. Having a job isn’t a bad thing, but if you are not the business in the business you are working for, then you are easily replaceable; you are not an asset, but a slave or liability for the company. 

Having rich friends or family members is so good, but it won’t work for you until they can see in you what their money cannot buy, otherwise you are just a liability or a bill to them. However, when you are an asset to your rich friends & family members, then you won’t complain that their money doesn’t reach your pocket because you are a prosperous element meaning you are a person of value who is valuable to the marketplace, not a prestigious outlet that just benefits without giving back in any area.

Call +256 70156 8133 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

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