God created us to be the best version of ourselves for Him daily; God’s best version is who we have been anointed to be. So many people delay tangible blessings because there are still some things on their hearts which may make them step on other people’s hearts. We need to stop looking through the windows for someone to blame, & start looking in our own mirror to take accountability & responsibility over our lives and decisions in order for change to occur. God will never bless the person we are pretending to be; He blesses the person we truly are, for He is a God who knows all and sees all, even that which is hidden from the world. Every time you make the decision to give God the control and submit to the Holy Spirit, then He will start to manifest in your life and through this process, your life will change. We should never beat ourselves down because we have failed while being in the process to manifest God’s perfection in our daily lives; because in God, you don’t make mistakes but you learn lessons by His Grace, through which God teaches you how to live the life He has given you here on earth. Remember, it is better to face & deal with the pain of recovery than living with the pain of regret forever. Trust God; He is Faithful and will take you through the transformation process.
Sub Categories
- Self-Accountability
- Relationship with Self
“ The best and quickest way of learning is in your ability to be self-accountable and choose not to be in denial. ”
The first enemy of transformation and change is the lack of self-accountability and the spirit of being a victim in every situation; don’t be sorry for yourself but instead be accountable of yourself. What this does is that you only feel a temporary relief to a permanent problem which needs to be fixed with a constant self-changing mindset.
The best and quickest way of learning is in your ability to be self-accountable and choose not to be in denial. This world has taught us the blame game where everyone else is the problem, and you ignore your contribution to what went wrong. The sorrier you are for yourself, the more excuses and reasons you will give, but the more accountable you are of yourself, the more excellence and results you will give. You can never be accountable for anything that happens in your life if you don’t go through self-evaluation with God and The Holy Spirit. Being accountable through self-evaluating & self-analysis with God is among the best gifts that God can give. Self-analysis is an introspection of yourself in order to understand your nature: your strengths, your weaknesses, your habits, your behaviors, etc., whereas self-evaluation is an assessment of yourself in a circumstance in order to determine the wrong that needs to be fixed and the right that should be improved.
However, the effects of the two are different: self-evaluation is long term whereas self-analysis is short term. Unfortunately, self-evaluation and self-analysis are the two major ignored keys of the average mindset, and that’s why they are the slave of their own unimproved mindset. Because, when self-accountability is neglected, then self-denial is amplified, and at the end you will self-sabotage. However, until you make a decision to take the process of change and transformation, nothing won’t change for the better; your life will remain stagnant. But, take the decision and become an inspiration to many as they see you evolve and grow into the person God created you to be here on earth for His glory.
Relationship with Self
Our relationship with ourselves is as important as our relationship with others. Before we analyze what kind of relationship others need to have with us, we must make sure that we have a solid and truthful relationship with ourselves? You are not just who you think of yourself, but you manifest tangibly what you choose to say about yourself.
It all begins with you, because who you truly are will inspire others to change their lives for the best. The question is, what kind of relationship do you have with yourself:
- How self-aware are you?
- What do you think of yourself?
- What do you see when you look in the mirror?
- How do you engage with yourself: with your insecurities, with your strengths, your weaknesses, and many more?
Remember this, you can never build anyone up beyond how well-built you are yourself; you can never genuinely love anyone else beyond how you genuinely love yourself. Self-love isn’t being selfish, but it is understanding that you cannot give to others what you have failed to genuinely give to yourself. Start with you and end with you, then The God in you will show you how to find the redeemed you, so that you can manifest the divine nature which is in you for the Glory of God.
Call +256 70156 8133 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.
The Benefits of Therapy
- Spiritual Maturity.
- Growth in Relationships.
- Growth in Self-Development.
- Wisdom in Divine Financial Literacy.
- Understanding of Kingdom Business.
- Ability to Control your in Mind and Emotions.
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