Spirituality is the inner experience of your redeemed self “the new you in Christ” & Your Redeemer through a deeper intimate level where you get to know who He is in you, & who you are in Him. True spirituality is the understanding of the identity of God within you & your identity in God, & for all that comprehension to be led by The Holy Spirit assisted by His Inspired Written Word. Being spiritual is also your ability to learn from the successes and failures which happen to you every day, as you learn and grow: then, what is good, you better it, and what is evil or wrong, is turned for your good, as all works for the good of those who love God and understand that they are called for God’s purpose.
Sub Categories
- Our Relationship with God
- Our Identity in Christ
- Purpose & Calling
- Gifts, Talents, & Acquired Skills
- Relationship with Self
“ God wants a relationship with us based on who He is to us, not what He does for us; we miss out a lot when we trust God for His abilities, but don’t focus on His identity.”
Our Relationship with God
Relationship is the most powerful thing which unlocks our spirits, because it is strongly built on divine principles & approved by the inspired Word of God through The Holy Spirit. It is an intimate God made way for Him to reach out to us, because life without Him is not living; it is just existing while being dead on the inside.
We often trust God for what He can do through us or for us, but we have never asked God to teach us how we should trust Him for who He is, & not only for what He can do. Our spiritual relationship with God should be our normal way of relating with Him; but we must relate with God first as Our Creator & Father, before He uses us as His trustworthy servant. Until we understand that God created us to first have an intimate & personal relationship with Him, before He grants us powerful divine responsibilities.
God wants a relationship with us based on who He is to us, not what He does for us; we miss out a lot when we trust God for His abilities, but don’t focus on His identity.
Our Identity in Christ
Identity crisis is when one doesn’t fully submit to God as The Creator in whose Image & Likeness, we are all made: you cannot discover who you are until you find who God is and Who He is in you. We are born by God, not anyone else: God is Spirit & Truth. God’s Image is the ability to express His diverse & multitask nature on earth through His creations, in a simplified way.
God’s Likeliness is the nature of His abilities & capabilities. The best decision one can ever make in their life is to receive Jesus Christ & submit to The Holy Spirit as The Ultimate Leader. God deposited everything we need on the inside of us; our submission to the complete leadership of The Holy Spirit is what will help us unlock everything within us. Keep in mind that what you are is different from who you are, because what you are is defined by what you do, but who you are is who God created you to be.
As The Holy Scriptures says, for the seed to bear more fruit, it must first die. To be the best version of whom God created you to be, you must be willing to let go of who you think you are. God didn’t create us for mediocrity, but He created us to be excellent because His Greatness is within us and He expects that to be shown the world.
Purpose & Calling
Every human being has a God given purpose to fulfill on earth: everyday, God’s Powerful Hand wakes us up with a mission, vision, and an assignment to fulfill. If only everyone on earth could ask themselves why they are created, or what they are doing here on earth, then we would all live a life with meaning.
We all have 3 types of purpose:
- Daily purpose.
- Destination purpose.
- Divine purpose.
Daily Purpose which is how we allow God to use us every day for His Glory, Destination Purpose which is what irritates our spirit in regards to the world, & Divine Purpose which is the general meaning of our existence. The Divine Purpose of God goes beyond our existence on earth; & our existence is useless unless we live in our divine purpose.
Our Calling is what we are made for; that’s where making a living is. If we need & want to see results in our area of calling, we need to genuinely serve God as desperately as we need to breathe in order to live. Many of us are suffering because we haven’t prioritized our divine calling first: purpose is not measured by numbers, but it is measured by intention. Begin to live life with the intention to manifest God’s glory in your life; you will find your calling, which will give you a sense of satisfaction & fulfilment.
Gifts, Talents, & Acquired Skills
Gifts, talents, & acquired skills are different but all work hand in hand together through the help of the Holy Spirit, and all come from the same Source which is God. You acquire spiritual gifts when you become born again.
This is through accepting to receive Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and through the Holy Spirit you will know of your spiritual gifts; when you fully submit to the Holy Spirit you are able to learn and grow in your gifts. Our talents are innate, meaning it is what you were born with & it flows naturally & effortlessly. Then comes our acquired skills which are either conventional or unconventional knowledge. When we find balance among the three, with the full guidance of the Holy Spirit who is the best teacher, then life will be worth living.
Call +256 70156 8133 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.
The Benefits of Therapy
- Spiritual Maturity.
- Growth in Relationships.
- Growth in Self-Development.
- Wisdom in Divine Financial Literacy.
- Understanding of Kingdom Business.
- Ability to Control your in Mind and Emotions.
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