The Process Of God

Anything valuable has to be built before it is roofed and painted; the fear of getting dirty during the process cannot be compared to the fear of not owning your own house. There is no promotion without a process, and they will never be any elevation without preparation.
Some would rather enjoy a microwave type of blessing, rather than rejoice for an oven baked type of blessing. So, the choice is all yours: do you want the fast-food type like KFC, or the Michelin star type of high cuisine? Valuing God’s process is the major key for progress because your progress in life is determined by your process in God. Progress is unveiled by your ability to enjoy the process of keeping getting better at any skill set, gift, and talent you have. Any progress you wish or hope for, except the one which makes you always find God in your life, becomes just a physical success. Remember, when the fire is less, food cannot get ready, and when the fire is much, food gets burnt, but when the fire is regulated and balanced, food gets ready. So, it doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as it is getting cooked properly within the right time. Success in its early stages doesn’t look like success and you will be tempted to quit, but remember to never despise small beginnings because great things are birthed from small repeated efforts on a daily basis. When they prophesied to you, you thought it would be an easy ground until you stepped in it and it started looking foreign. However, if you don’t quit and remain in your prophecy while trusting God, then success will feel like you; be patient and you will see why God made you wait (Habakkuk 2:3-4). 

3“For the vision is yet for the appointed [future] time
It hurries toward the goal [of fulfillment]; it will not fail.
Even though it delays, wait [patiently] for it,
Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.

 4“Look at the proud one,
His soul is not right within him,
But the righteous will live by his faith [in the true God].

Habakkuk 2 : 3-4

It is hard to start, but harder to finish; results are hard, but they respond to consistency. People will eventually call you successful because you have become one with your success. Look at it this way: when you stop at a red light, it doesn’t mean that your journey has ended, so keep moving and don’t give up. Patience is a virtue, and it is crucial in God’s process: it is not waiting upon what The Lord has promised to give, but it is allowing yourself to be fixed by God so that you receive what He has already deposited in your spirit, because we are living in the finished work of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is a Kemetic “present Egypt” word called Kepra, which means trusting the process of becoming. Chinese bamboo takes five years in the ground, but it takes five days to grow ten feet long. The greatest man or woman is not found in the person you used to be, but it is manifested in the person you have decided to become.

Remember, great things take time: whenever we ask ourselves how long it may take, then we get discouraged in the process. Rather, why not ask ourselves how far we can go? Many have sold or traded out they need for what they want; but when you are grateful with what you have and use it excellently, then you will soon be in a position to offer yourself whatever you want, and remember to always put God first in everything you do and do it for His Glory. Never beat yourself down because you failed while in the process to manifest God’s perfection in our daily lives. It is better to face and deal with the pain of recovery than to live with the pain of regret forever. Focus on the step that’s in front of you, not the entire staircase, because each step has its own lesson; don’t skip it: even The Bible says that The Word of God is the lamp of each step we make. God has already prepared the way; He is just preparing you. God’s process isn’t happening to you, but it is you being prepared to live the life of God which gives you eternal life while on this planet. My brothers and sisters, this isn’t negotiable: you either enjoy the journey, learn, and grow throughout the process, or there will be no progress. The sooner you embrace this, the sooner things become better.